Monday, February 2, 2009


This is just a silly question but I'm curious to know why. It was not until I stitched Curly Q Ewe and The Sampler Lady that I noticed that LHN girls do not have mouth or nose; does anyone know why?. Since I stitched them I pay more attention to those details and I watch carefully at people's finishes and just I've seen that Nuria and Natasha are stitching The Rain Fell and the girl does not even have eyes.


Unknown said...

I think that so are more regular...also many handmade dolls doesn't have them!!!

Anonymous said...

A mí me gustan sin ojos, con punto lineal no me hacen gracia y con punto de nudo parecen bizcas. Nosotras (Nuria, Olivia, Gema, Palma y yo) le llamábamos la bizca a la Sampler Lady cuando la hicimos. Esto no se puede escribir en inglés, no quiero ofender a nadie.

Anonymous said...

:-) No me gusta el punto de nudo así que tanto a la Sampler Lady como a la oveja de Curly les hice los ojos con cruces, no con nudo. Con punto lineal ni me lo menciones, tampoco lo veo buena opción..